Just wanted to give you guys another update of our icewind shiba Magnolia! She had a great first winter and is starting to chase leaves again, i can’t stress the point that we are so pleased with her as a part of our family. Last time i wrote u wanted me to let u know how her training was with an invisible fence and shock collar. Magnolia is a very smart dog, like most shibas are of course. She was completely trained with the invisable fence with in a week of installation, she has only taken herself for a walk one in 6 months, and as u can see from the pictures she has a lot to be distracted by, we have a pond with wildlife as well as dogs that live next door! She is a very smart dog like I said and feels proud when we are happy with her. I think that many training devices work for many different people but for us the fence was and continues to be great, I also think that it gives her the freedom to be a Shiba when she wants and it ultimatly helps her behave in the house.
Thanks Again,
Linda and Christopher
May 2009