Thank you for breeding an awesome shiba (formally known as Markie). His name is now MoJo and he is unbelievable!. I know your website says they are 98% housebroken by the time they come home, but WE HAVE NEVER SEEN A 2 MONTH OLD PUPPY who walks perfectly on a leash (I don’t know if you taught him that too) and does his “business” within 10 seconds of putting him down on grass (and I’m not exaggerating). As soon as you put him down, he sniffs, pees and if he has to do the “other thing” he takes a few more sniffs and that’s it. When he’s done, he hops off the grass, goes on the sidewalk and happily trots back towards home. However you managed to train him at such a young age amazes all of us.
His first night home, we gave him a bath (at Anya’s suggestion to get rid of the smell of his littermates) and played with him. He seems like a 3 year old well trained dog in a little puppy’s body!! The transition was very easy. He will whimper a little when first put in his crate, but within 5 minutes, he quiets down and goes to sleep. He doesn’t love the kibble too much even if we put that salmon water on it or Dyne on it. He absolutely loves the soft salmon and the beef so I try to mix it all together along with the vitamins. He has found a way to eat the beef out of the kibble along with the salmon and leave the dry food (another smart thing). I had done a lot of reading on shibas, but seeing is believing!!!!!
Best regards,
Diane and family
April 2009