After our visit yesterday we could not stop talking about Joe and the other dogs at Ice Wind. We were completely impressed by how professionally everything was handled, the wonderful facilities you have, the cleanliness of the facilities and the obvious extraordinary care and affection given to all of the dogs and puppies. We have decided that Joe will make a perfect addition to our family.
Update: He is already the absolute center and love of our lives. He miraculously appears to have arrived already housebroken. The first night we were sitting on the floor with Jax and he whimpered a little. We took him outside and he immediately went to the bathroom. Since then, whenever he needs to go out he goes to the backdoor and waits for us to let him out. He has a face and playful nature that melts the hearts of anyone lucky enough to meet him. He went to the vet yesterday and not only got a clean bill of health but the doctor who sees dogs all day every day couldn’t get over how good looking he is. He weighed 4.8 pounds but he has the attitude and heart of a 100 pounder. We will keep you up to date on his progress.
Thanks again for our newest best friend!
October 2008