I wanted to thank you again for all your help with Kimiko’s diet. Since speaking with you I have changed her food to the sweet potatoe and fish formula and have started adding salmon to her food. I have also kept her on the NuVet vitamins since the day we picked her up. Kimiko no longer has hot spots and isn’t scratching like she used too. I have also noticed a big difference in her coat and she always feels so soft and she never smells, and she is outside all the time.
I am so happy to have this ongoing relationship with you concerning Kimiko. I never hesitate to contact you before I even contact her vet!! I think it is so nice that you are still here for us if we need you.
Kimiko and Rocky are getting along great. They have their moments every now and then but as you can see they truly love each other. And who said Shiba Inus couldn’t get along with cats???
Thank you again Karen!